Keeping my bedroom neat

Keeping my bedroom neat

Kitchen Cabinets | 3 Strategic Approaches When Choosing Cabinet Colours For Your Lemon Yellow Kitchen

by Vincent Howell

Choosing the right colour for a new kitchen is hard enough, but when you need to make decisions about the colours of your cabinets, you probably don't know where to begin with so many choices at your disposal. You'll obviously want your cabinets to reflect the style of your kitchen décor without sticking out like sore thumbs. Consider these strategic approaches to put your best foot forward when planning cabinet colours for your lemon yellow kitchen with your cabinetmakers.

Draw Inspiration From Visual Element In Your Kitchen

If you don't necessarily want to match your cabinets to your lemon yellow wall colours, then a good idea for you is to choose a visual element in your kitchen as your inspiration. For instance, perhaps you have a brown kitchen island or a burnt orange standing lamp that offers strong visual appeal in your cooking space. You can draw inspiration from this element and get your cabinetmakers to use the same colours for the kitchen cabinets when planning the final finish.

Transform The Cabinets Into The Prime Focus Of The Kitchen

If you want to create an outstanding kitchen appearance, then choose bright and offbeat colours to transform the cabinets into the prime focus of your lemon yellow kitchen. To bring your cabinets to the centre of attention in your kitchen, you may want to consider complementary colours. Complementary colours are typically colours that sit directly opposite each other when you check the colour wheel. When they are set against each other, they create strong contrasts. Complementary colours to yellow and lemon yellow include different shades of blues, purples and red-violets based on what you think is best for your kitchen. You can choose any of these colours to create prominent cabinets –– transforming them into the prime focus of your lemon yellow kitchen.

Consider White Or Off-White For Easy Mingling With Your Existing Kitchen

If you can't make a colour decision or want something tried-and-tested, then you cannot go wrong with choosing white or off-white when planning colours with your cabinetmakers. White and off-white are remarkable when it comes to integrating easily with a range of different colours, making your life significantly easier when you cannot make a colour decision on your own. Many homeowners also like the idea of white cabinets because they inject sophisticated appeal into the kitchen and reduce the appearance of clutter with their streamlined appearance.

Follow these strategic approaches when planning colours for your kitchen cabinets with your cabinetmakers.


About Me

Keeping my bedroom neat

I like to have everything in my bedroom looking perfect so that when I go to sleep, I feel really relaxed. I've just moved house, and all of the sudden my old furniture doesn't seem right. The house is a lot smaller than my old house, so I need to find some new furniture that is more efficient. I have found some great options with multi-tasking furniture that does more than one job as well as looking good. This blog is all about multi-tasking bedroom furniture and will be useful for anyone trying to update their bedroom furniture for a small room.